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Tetsuya Nomura Reveals Highly Anticipated Scene in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth


  • Tetsuya Nomura, the creative director of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, has discussed a highly anticipated scene in the game.
  • Nomura reveals that he was able to portray what he truly wanted to show in this scene.
  • The scene in question is a pivotal moment in the original Final Fantasy VII storyline.
  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth aims to expand and enhance the original game with modern graphics and gameplay improvements.
  • There is speculation that the scene Nomura refers to involves the death of a major character.

Tetsuya Nomura Opens Up About Highly Anticipated Scene in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Tetsuya Nomura, the creative director of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, has recently discussed a highly anticipated scene in the game. In an interview, Nomura reveals that he was “able to do what I truly wanted to show in this scene.” This has piqued the interest of fans who are eagerly awaiting the release of the game.

The scene in question is a pivotal moment in the original Final Fantasy VII storyline. It is a moment that has had a lasting impact on players since the game’s release in 1997. Many fans have speculated about how this scene will be portrayed in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth aims to expand and enhance the original game with modern graphics and gameplay improvements. This has led to much excitement among fans, who are eager to see how the game will reinterpret iconic moments from the original game.

Speculation Surrounding the Scene

There is much speculation among fans about which scene Nomura is referring to in his recent comments. One prevailing theory is that the scene involves the death of a major character. In the original game, the death of this character was a shocking and emotional moment that had a significant impact on the player.

Given the emphasis that Nomura has placed on this particular scene, it is likely that it will be a major moment in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Fans are eager to see how the game will handle this scene and whether it will have the same emotional impact as the original.

It is also worth noting that Nomura has stated that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will deviate from the original game in some ways. This has sparked further speculation among fans about what changes will be made to this pivotal scene. Some fans are excited about the possibility of seeing a new interpretation of the scene, while others are concerned that it may not live up to their expectations.

Expanding on the Original Game

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth aims to expand on the original game in several ways. One of the main goals of the development team is to provide a deeper exploration of the game’s characters and their motivations. This includes delving into the backstory of major characters and providing more context for their actions.

This expanded focus on character development has led to speculation about how it will impact the pivotal scene in question. Fans are curious to see whether the expanded characterization will add new layers of emotion and complexity to the scene.

Another way in which Final Fantasy VII Rebirth aims to expand on the original game is through improved graphics and gameplay. The game will feature updated visuals and gameplay mechanics to provide a more immersive and modern experience for players.

While fans are excited about these enhancements, there is also some concern that the changes may alter the tone and impact of the pivotal scene. The original game’s graphics and gameplay were praised for their ability to convey emotion and create a sense of immersion. It remains to be seen whether Final Fantasy VII Rebirth can capture the same magic.


The highly anticipated scene in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has fans eagerly awaiting its release. Tetsuya Nomura’s comments about being able to portray what he truly wanted in this scene have only added to the excitement. Fans are speculating about which scene Nomura is referring to and how it will be portrayed in the game.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth aims to expand on the original game with improved graphics, gameplay, and character development. While fans are excited about these enhancements, there is also some concern that the changes may alter the tone and impact of the pivotal scene.

Overall, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth promises to be an exciting and emotional experience for fans of the original game. The game’s release will undoubtedly ignite further discussion and debate among fans as they compare the new interpretation of the scene to the original.

Only time will tell how Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will handle this highly anticipated scene and whether it will live up to the expectations of fans.

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