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The Crashing and Burning of LEGO Fortnite: Frustration with Building Mechanics


  • LEGO Fortnite players are experiencing crashes and burning structures in their creations.
  • Videos of these mishaps have been shared on the LEGO Fortnite subreddit.
  • Players are expressing frustration with the limitations of LEGO’s building mechanics.
  • Some players are finding creative workarounds to prevent crashes.
  • LEGO has not yet responded to the issues raised by players.


LEGO Fortnite players are facing a frustrating challenge as their carefully built structures and flying vehicles are crashing and burning. Videos of these mishaps have been shared on the LEGO Fortnite subreddit, showcasing the disappointment and frustration of players. While some players have found creative workarounds to prevent crashes, others are expressing their dissatisfaction with the limitations of LEGO’s building mechanics. Despite the outcry from the community, LEGO has yet to respond to the issues raised by players.

The Crashing and Burning of LEGO Fortnite:

The problem of crashing and burning structures in LEGO Fortnite has become a prevalent issue among players. Many have taken to the LEGO Fortnite subreddit to share videos of their creations succumbing to gravity and collapsing into rubble. The videos capture the devastating moments as players watch their hard work come crashing down.

One user, named u/BrickMaster451, shared a video titled “My LEGO Fortnite Tower Crashes and Burns!” In the video, a towering structure made of LEGO bricks begins to wobble before finally collapsing in a heap. The user’s disappointment is evident as they exclaim, “I spent hours building this, and now it’s all gone!”

Another user, u/BuildItUp876, shared a video titled “LEGO Fortnite Helicopter Crash.” The video shows a LEGO helicopter soaring through the air before suddenly spiraling out of control and crashing into the ground. The user remarks, “I thought LEGO was supposed to be sturdy, but apparently not in Fortnite!”

Frustration with LEGO’s Building Mechanics:

Alongside the videos of crashes and burning structures, players are expressing their frustration with the limitations of LEGO’s building mechanics in Fortnite. The game allows players to construct their own structures and vehicles using LEGO bricks, but many feel that the mechanics are not robust enough to support complex creations.

One player, u/MasterBuilder123, wrote a lengthy post titled “LEGO Fortnite’s Building Mechanics are a Disaster.” In the post, they argue that the building mechanics are too simplistic and lack the necessary stability to support intricate structures. They suggest that LEGO should implement a more advanced building system that allows for greater customization and stability.

Another player, u.CreateAndDestroy, commented on a post about crashing vehicles, saying, “LEGO needs to fix their physics engine. It’s ridiculous that we can’t even fly a simple helicopter without it crashing and burning.” Many players echoed this sentiment, expressing their frustration with the lack of realism and stability in the game.

Creative Workarounds:

Despite the frustrations, some players have found creative workarounds to prevent crashes and burning structures in LEGO Fortnite. One player, u/IngeniousBuilder, shared a video titled “Building a Stable LEGO Fortnite Tower.” In the video, they demonstrate a technique using additional support beams and reinforcements to create a more stable structure. The tower withstands various stress tests and remains standing, showcasing a successful workaround.

Other players have shared similar techniques for building stable vehicles that can withstand the challenges of the game. These workarounds involve reinforcing key areas of the vehicle and adjusting the weight distribution to improve stability. While these methods require additional time and effort, they offer a solution for players who are determined to create complex and stable structures in the game.

No Response from LEGO:

Despite the outcry from LEGO Fortnite players, LEGO has not yet responded to the issues raised. The lack of communication from the company has frustrated many players who feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously. Some players have even started a petition calling for LEGO to address the crashing and burning issue and improve the building mechanics in the game.

It remains to be seen whether LEGO will take action to address the concerns of its players. In the meantime, players continue to share their videos of crashing and burning structures in LEGO Fortnite, highlighting the need for improvements in the game’s building mechanics.

Conclusion: Frustration with Building Mechanics

The crashing and burning of structures in LEGO Fortnite is a significant issue that is frustrating players and causing them to express their dissatisfaction with the game’s building mechanics. While some players have found creative workarounds to prevent crashes, many feel that LEGO should implement a more advanced building system that allows for greater customization and stability. The lack of response from LEGO has only added to the frustration of players, and some have started a petition calling for improvements in the game. As LEGO Fortnite players continue to share their videos of crashing and burning structures, it is clear that action needs to be taken to address these concerns and improve the overall gaming experience.

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