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The Final Major Update for Cyberpunk 2077: What’s Next for CD Projekt Red?

Cyberpunk 2077 Receives Final Major Update

CD Projekt Red, the developer of Cyberpunk 2077, has announced that the game will be receiving its “last big update” on December 5, 2023. This marks the end of an era for the troubled open-world RPG, as the studio shifts its focus towards the development of the game’s sequel, codenamed Orion, and the next mainline Witcher game, codenamed Polaris.

The Last Big Update

The upcoming update, known as Update 2.1, will be released alongside the Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition. This update is expected to address numerous issues and bugs that players have encountered since the game’s rocky launch in December 2020.

CD Projekt Red has been diligently working on improving the game since its release, releasing several major updates and patches to address various performance and gameplay issues. The studio has also been focused on delivering promised features and content, such as the highly anticipated multiplayer mode.

Despite these efforts, Cyberpunk 2077 has faced significant backlash and criticism for its technical problems and lackluster performance on last-gen consoles. The game was even temporarily removed from the PlayStation Store due to its subpar performance on the PlayStation 4.

With the release of Update 2.1, CD Projekt Red hopes to finally address the remaining issues and provide players with a more stable and enjoyable experience. The studio has stated that this update will be the game’s “last big update,” indicating that future updates will likely focus on smaller patches and improvements rather than major content additions.

Shifting Focus

While the release of Update 2.1 marks the end of major updates for Cyberpunk 2077, it also signals a shift in CD Projekt Red’s focus. The studio has stated that it will now be directing its efforts towards the development of Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel, codenamed Orion.

Little is known about Orion at this time, but it is expected to build upon the foundation laid by its predecessor and deliver a more polished and immersive experience. CD Projekt Red has stated that it has learned valuable lessons from the development and launch of Cyberpunk 2077, and will apply these lessons to the development of Orion.

In addition to Orion, CD Projekt Red is also working on the next mainline Witcher game, codenamed Polaris. The Witcher series has been a huge success for the studio, with the critically acclaimed Witcher 3: Wild Hunt winning numerous Game of the Year awards and achieving massive commercial success.

CD Projekt Red has expressed its commitment to the Witcher franchise, and fans can expect the next mainline game to continue the series’ tradition of rich storytelling, complex characters, and immersive gameplay.


The announcement of Cyberpunk 2077’s “last big update” and the shift in CD Projekt Red’s focus towards the development of its sequel and the next Witcher game marks a significant moment for the studio and its flagship franchise.

While Cyberpunk 2077 may have had a rocky start, the continued support and updates from CD Projekt Red have shown a commitment to improving the game and delivering on its promises. With the release of Update 2.1, players can expect a more polished and stable experience, albeit without any major content additions.

Looking ahead, CD Projekt Red’s focus on the development of Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel and the next mainline Witcher game demonstrates the studio’s dedication to creating immersive and engaging experiences. Fans of both franchises can look forward to future installments that build upon the successes of their predecessors and deliver unforgettable gaming experiences.

Overall, while the journey may have been bumpy, the future looks bright for CD Projekt Red and its beloved franchises.

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