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CD Projekt Red: Remaining Independent, Focused on Quality Games


  • Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red is not interested in being acquired
  • Xbox and PlayStation actively seeking out studios to purchase
  • CD Projekt Red is happy remaining independent
  • CD Projekt Red is focused on delivering quality games and maintaining creative freedom
  • CD Projekt Red’s success with The Witcher series and anticipation for Cyberpunk 2077
  • CD Projekt Red’s ownership structure and company values
  • CD Projekt Red’s financial stability and growth

Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red is not interested in being acquired

CD Projekt Red, the renowned developer behind the highly anticipated game Cyberpunk 2077 and the critically acclaimed Witcher series, has made it clear that it is not interested in being acquired by any other company. Despite the recent trend of Xbox and PlayStation actively seeking out studios to purchase, CD Projekt Red wants to remain independent and maintain full control over its creative decisions.

Xbox and PlayStation actively seeking out studios to purchase

In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of acquisitions by major gaming companies like Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation. Both Xbox and PlayStation have been actively seeking out studios to purchase in order to bolster their first-party game lineup and strengthen their position in the industry. This trend has led to speculation about potential acquisitions of CD Projekt Red, given the studio’s success and reputation for delivering high-quality games.

CD Projekt Red is happy remaining independent

Despite the interest from Xbox and PlayStation, CD Projekt Red has made it clear that it is happy remaining an independent studio. Adam Kiciński, the chief strategy officer of CD Projekt Red’s parent company CD Projekt S.A., stated in an interview with Polish outlet Parkiet that the company is satisfied with its current status and does not see any benefits in being acquired. CD Projekt Red values its independence and creative freedom, which allows them to make the games they want to make without any external pressure or interference.

CD Projekt Red is focused on delivering quality games and maintaining creative freedom

CD Projekt Red’s primary focus is on delivering high-quality games that meet the expectations of their passionate fanbase. The studio is known for its commitment to excellence and attention to detail, as seen in the success of The Witcher series. CD Projekt Red’s upcoming game, Cyberpunk 2077, is one of the most highly anticipated games in recent years, and the studio wants to ensure that it lives up to the hype. By remaining independent, CD Projekt Red can maintain full control over the creative process and make the necessary decisions to ensure the game’s quality.

CD Projekt Red’s success with The Witcher series and anticipation for Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red has gained global recognition and acclaim for its work on The Witcher series. The games have been praised for their deep storytelling, immersive world, and complex characters. The success of The Witcher series has generated a massive fanbase and high expectations for CD Projekt Red’s future projects. The anticipation for their upcoming game, Cyberpunk 2077, is at an all-time high, with fans eagerly awaiting the release of the game. CD Projekt Red’s ability to deliver exceptional gaming experiences has solidified its position as one of the industry’s leading developers.

CD Projekt Red’s ownership structure and company values

CD Projekt Red’s ownership structure plays a significant role in its decision to remain independent. The studio is majority-owned by CD Projekt S.A., a publicly traded company in Poland. The company’s ownership structure allows CD Projekt Red to have a certain level of financial stability and support, which enables them to focus on their creative endeavors. Additionally, CD Projekt Red’s company values, such as a commitment to quality and player satisfaction, align with their independent status. By maintaining independence, the studio can continue to uphold these values without any external influences.

CD Projekt Red’s financial stability and growth

CD Projekt Red’s financial stability and growth also contribute to its decision to stay independent. The company has experienced significant financial success, thanks to the sales of The Witcher series and its digital distribution platform, CD Projekt Red’s strong financial position allows them to invest in their projects and pursue their creative vision without relying on external funding or partnerships. This financial independence gives CD Projekt Red the freedom to take risks and innovate, which has been a key factor in their success.


CD Projekt Red’s decision to remain independent despite the interest from Xbox and PlayStation showcases the studio’s commitment to maintaining full creative control over its games. The success of The Witcher series and the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 have solidified CD Projekt Red’s position as one of the industry’s leading developers. By staying independent, CD Projekt Red can continue to deliver high-quality games and uphold its company values without any external interference. This decision reflects the studio’s confidence in its ability to thrive and innovate on its own terms.

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