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Customizing Graphics: Update 1.0.5 for Assassin’s Creed Mirage


  • Assassin’s Creed Mirage is receiving update 1.0.5, aimed at increasing stability and addressing a controversial graphical feature
  • The update grants players the ability to toggle off the game’s chromatic aberration
  • Chromatic aberration is a graphical effect that can cause visual distortions and has been a point of contention for some players
  • The update will be available on November 7 at 7am ET
  • Players are eager to experience improved stability and have the option to customize their graphical preferences

Introduction: Update 1.0.5 for Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Ubisoft has recently released update 1.0.5 for Assassin’s Creed Mirage, an update that brings various improvements to the game. The focus of this update is to increase stability across platforms and address a controversial graphical feature: chromatic aberration. Players have expressed their concerns about this graphical effect, and Ubisoft has responded by granting players the ability to toggle off chromatic aberration, giving them more control over their gameplay experience. This highly anticipated update is set to drop on November 7 at 7am ET.

Bye Bye Chromatic Aberration

Chromatic aberration is a graphical effect that can create a distorted, rainbow-like appearance at the edges of in-game visuals. While some players enjoy this effect for its artistic and immersive qualities, others find it visually distracting or unpleasant. Ubisoft has listened to player feedback and decided to give players the option to toggle off chromatic aberration. This customization feature will allow players to create a visual experience that aligns with their preferences, making the game more enjoyable for a wider audience.

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