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EA Sports Announces Release Times for FC 24’s Early Access Period

  • EA Sports has announced the release times for FC 24’s early access period.

EA Sports has confirmed that players who pre-order the Ultimate Edition of their new football game, FC 24, will have early access to the game. The early access period will begin on September 21, a week before the game’s official release date of September 29. This means that players who pre-order the Ultimate Edition will be able to start playing the game seven days ahead of everyone else.

  • The early access period is available to those who pre-order the Ultimate Edition.

To gain early access to FC 24, players need to pre-order the Ultimate Edition of the game. This edition of the game includes several additional features and exclusive content that is not available in the standard edition. By pre-ordering this edition, players not only get the game early but also get to enjoy these exclusive extras.

  • Early access to the game allows players to start playing before the official release date.

One of the benefits of pre-ordering the Ultimate Edition of FC 24 is the ability to start playing the game before its official release date. This gives players a head start and the opportunity to explore the game’s features and gameplay mechanics ahead of other players. It also allows them to gain a competitive advantage as they can spend more time honing their skills and strategies before the general player base joins in.

  • The early access period starts on September 21.

The early access period for FC 24 will begin on September 21. Players who pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition will be able to download and start playing the game on this date. This gives them a solid week to enjoy the game and get familiar with its mechanics before the wider player base joins in on September 29.


The announcement of the release times for FC 24’s early access period brings good news for fans of the game. By pre-ordering the Ultimate Edition, players can get a head start on their gaming experience and enjoy the game a week before its official release date. This allows them to delve into the new features and gameplay mechanics, giving them a competitive edge when the rest of the players join in. So mark your calendars, September 21 is the day to kick off your FC 24 journey.

In other news…

Sony recently launched their highly anticipated gaming console, the PS5. With a sleek design and powerful hardware, the PS5 promises to deliver an immersive gaming experience. However, some players have reported issues with the console’s cooling system, resulting in overheating and performance problems.

Cooling system issues causing overheating and performance problems.

Several players who managed to get their hands on the PS5 have reported experiencing overheating issues, which in turn caused performance problems. The console’s cooling system is designed to dissipate heat generated by the powerful hardware and prevent overheating. However, it seems that in some cases, the system is not functioning as expected, leading to the console reaching high temperatures and consequently impacting gameplay.

Sony working to address the cooling system issues.

Upon receiving reports of the cooling system issues, Sony has acknowledged the problem and assured players that they are actively working on a solution. The company has stated that they are investigating the matter and will be providing software updates to address these issues. Sony is committed to delivering a high-quality gaming experience to its users and wants to ensure that all PS5 consoles are functioning optimally.

Some players resorting to alternative cooling solutions.

While Sony is working on a fix for the cooling system issues, some players have taken matters into their own hands and have resorted to using external cooling systems to mitigate the overheating problems. These external solutions range from additional fans to custom-made cooling setups. Although these alternative solutions provide temporary relief, they are not ideal and can be costly for players who have already invested in the PS5.


The overheating and performance problems faced by some PS5 users are certainly disappointing, especially given the anticipation and hype surrounding the console’s release. However, it is commendable that Sony is taking the issue seriously and actively working towards a solution. Gaming consoles are complex pieces of technology, and it is not uncommon for some issues to arise after launch. With Sony’s commitment to addressing the cooling system problems and providing software updates, players can remain hopeful for a fix in the near future. In the meantime, it’s advisable for players to keep an eye out for any official updates from Sony and to refrain from using external cooling solutions that may void the console’s warranty.

And now for a hot take…

While it’s unfortunate that some PS5 users are experiencing cooling system issues, it’s important to remember that these issues are not widespread and do not reflect the overall performance of the console. The PS5 still offers impressive hardware and a wide range of games that provide an immersive gaming experience. It’s natural for new technology to have some teething problems, and Sony’s swift response to address these issues is commendable. As the software updates roll out and the cooling system problems are resolved, players can continue to enjoy all that the PS5 has to offer.

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