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Epic Games CEO Accuses Google of Anti-Competitive Practices in Ongoing Legal Battle


  • The legal battle between Epic Games and Google continues with new statements from Epic CEO, Tim Sweeney
  • Sweeney accuses Google of having “de facto control” over Android apps
  • Epic CEO claims that Google proposed deals that were designed to prevent Epic from competing against them
  • The ongoing legal battle raises questions about the control Google has over Android and the app market
  • The outcome of this legal battle could have significant implications for the future of app distribution on Android devices

Introduction: Epic Games CEO Accuses Google of Anti-Competitive Practices

The legal battle between Epic Games, the creators of Fortnite, and Google continues to heat up. Epic CEO, Tim Sweeney, has recently made new statements accusing Google of having “de facto control” over Android apps and engaging in anti-competitive behavior.

Sweeney claims that Google proposed deals that were specifically designed to prevent Epic from competing against them. This accusation implies that Google may have used its dominant position in the app market to stifle competition and hinder Epic’s ability to offer its own app distribution platform.

Anti-Competitive Practices in Ongoing Legal Battle

The ongoing legal battle raises important questions about the control Google has over Android and the app market. As the primary platform for Android app distribution, Google holds significant power in determining which apps are available to users and under what terms. Sweeney’s accusations suggest that this control may be used in a way that limits competition and innovation.

The outcome of this legal battle could have far-reaching implications for the future of app distribution on Android devices. If Epic Games is successful in its claims against Google, it could lead to greater competition and more options for developers and users. On the other hand, if Google is able to defend its practices, it may solidify its position of control over the Android app market.

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