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Mason Greenwood Reinstated in FIFA Games after Loan Spell with Getafe

Mason Greenwood Reinstated in FIFA Games after Loan Spell with Getafe

English footballer Mason Greenwood has been reinstated in the FIFA games by EA Sports after a two-game absence. This decision comes after Greenwood’s loan spell with Getafe and the dropping of charges against him.


Mason Greenwood was pulled from FIFA 22 following his arrest on January 30, 2022. Charges against him, including attempted rape and assault, were dropped on February 14, 2022. However, EA Sports decided not to include him in FIFA 23, which was released later that year.

Return to FIFA

With the dropping of charges against Greenwood and his loan spell with Getafe, EA Sports has decided to reinstate him in the FIFA games. This means that players can once again use Greenwood in their virtual football matches.

Implications for Fans

For fans of Mason Greenwood and Manchester United, this reinstatement will be a welcome development. They will now be able to include Greenwood in their virtual lineups and enjoy his skills in the game.

However, there may be mixed reactions among fans and gamers regarding EA Sports’ decision. Some may argue that reinstating Greenwood without any further consequences sends the wrong message, considering the seriousness of the initial charges against him. Others may believe in giving him a second chance, especially since the charges were dropped.

EA Sports’ Decision-Making Process

EA Sports’ decision to reinstate Mason Greenwood in the FIFA games may have been influenced by a combination of factors. These could include the dropping of charges, the completion of his loan spell with Getafe, and the desire to keep the games as up-to-date as possible.

Balance of Realism and Gameplay

EA Sports strives to create a balance between realism and gameplay in their FIFA games. This means that they want the game to reflect real-life football as accurately as possible while also providing an enjoyable and competitive gaming experience.

When a player is absent from real-life football due to legal issues or other reasons, EA Sports often removes them from the game to maintain this balance. However, if the player’s situation changes, such as the dropping of charges or their return to the pitch, EA Sports may decide to reinstate them.

Player Performances and Transfers

Another factor that may have influenced EA Sports’ decision is player performances and transfers. Mason Greenwood’s loan spell with Getafe allowed him to continue playing and performing well at the professional level. This reminded EA Sports of his importance and skill as a player, prompting them to reinstate him in the game.

EA Sports also aims to keep the FIFA games as up-to-date as possible, reflecting the latest transfers and changes in the football world. By reinstating Greenwood, they ensure that players have access to the most accurate and current lineup options.

Conclusion: EA Sports’ Hot Take

EA Sports’ decision to reinstate Mason Greenwood in the FIFA games after his loan spell with Getafe and the dropping of charges is a complex one. It balances the desire for realism and up-to-date gameplay with the need to consider the seriousness of the initial charges against Greenwood.

Some may argue that EA Sports could have taken a stronger stance against Greenwood’s initial actions and chosen not to reinstate him. However, others may see this as an opportunity for redemption and an example of giving someone a second chance.

In the end, EA Sports’ decision reflects the challenges they face in balancing the virtual world of gaming with the real-world complexities of the football industry. Whether fans agree or disagree with their choice, Mason Greenwood’s reinstatement in the FIFA games marks an intriguing development in both the world of gaming and football.

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