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The Controversy Surrounding Lootable Dildos in Cyberpunk 2077: A Symbol of a Larger Problem

  • Cyberpunk 2077 originally contained a large number of lootable dildos scattered throughout Night City.
  • CD Projekt Red had to patch out many of these lootable items due to their excessive presence in the game.
  • Lootable dildos were not considered a problem on their own, but their abundance became a source of controversy for the game.Remember how many dildos were originally in Cyberpunk 2077? You couldn’t loot a corner in Night City without picking one up, to the point where CD Projekt Red actually had to patch a number of them out. Lootable dildos weren’t necessarily a problem on their own, but their abundance became a source of controversy for the game.

    In 2015, at the E3 presentation for Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red promised a rich and immersive open-world experience set in a dystopian future. The game was highly anticipated, and gamers were eagerly awaiting its release. However, when the game finally launched in December 2020, it was riddled with bugs, glitches, and performance issues on last-gen consoles. To make matters worse, the game was also criticized for its excessive sexual content, including the presence of an abundance of lootable dildos.

    The presence of these lootable items may seem trivial, but it became emblematic of one of the major issues with Cyberpunk 2077: a lack of attention to detail and an overemphasis on shock value. The game was marketed as a groundbreaking RPG with deep storylines and immersive gameplay, but it ended up being filled with superficial elements that only served to shock and titillate.

    CD Projekt Red acknowledged the issue and released a patch that reduced the number of lootable dildos in the game. However, this move was seen by some as a band-aid fix for a larger problem. Many critics argued that the presence of these items in the first place was indicative of a lack of thought and care put into the game’s design.

    It’s worth noting that sexual content in video games is not inherently problematic. Many games, such as the Mass Effect series, have successfully integrated romance and sexuality into their narratives in a thoughtful and meaningful way. The issue with Cyberpunk 2077 was not the presence of sexual content, but rather the way it was implemented.

    Ultimately, the controversy surrounding the lootable dildos in Cyberpunk 2077 highlights the importance of attention to detail and thoughtful game design. Games should strive to create immersive and engaging experiences, but they should also be mindful of how they handle sensitive topics such as sex and sexuality.

    Conclusion: A Symbol of a Larger Problem

    The presence of lootable dildos in Cyberpunk 2077 may have been a minor issue compared to the game’s other problems, but it served as a symbol of a larger problem: a lack of attention to detail and an overemphasis on shock value. CD Projekt Red’s decision to patch out the excessive number of these items was a step in the right direction, but it also highlighted the need for thoughtful game design and a more thoughtful approach to handling sensitive topics in video games. Ultimately, the controversy surrounding the lootable dildos in Cyberpunk 2077 serves as a reminder that games should strive to create immersive and engaging experiences while also being mindful of how they handle sensitive content

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