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The Controversy Surrounding Solid Snake’s Buttocks in Fortnite


  • Fortnite has introduced Solid Snake as a bonus skin in the Chapter 5, Season 1 Battle Pass.
  • Players have expressed disappointment with the design of Solid Snake’s buttocks, claiming it to be flat and unfaithful to the character’s original design.
  • Fortnite has responded to the criticism by stating that they are working on a fix for Solid Snake’s buttocks.
  • Some players have defended the design, stating that it is a minor issue and does not impact the gameplay.
  • Metal Gear Solid fans have expressed their love for the franchise and their excitement for Solid Snake’s inclusion in Fortnite.
  • Konami, the publisher of the Metal Gear franchise, has not officially commented on the controversy.


Fortnite, the popular battle royale game developed by Epic Games, has introduced Solid Snake, the iconic protagonist of the Metal Gear franchise, as a bonus skin in the Chapter 5, Season 1 Battle Pass. While the addition of Solid Snake to Fortnite has generated excitement among some players, others have expressed disappointment with the design of the character’s buttocks, claiming it to be flat and unfaithful to the character’s original design.

Snake’s Flat Ass

According to an article by Kotaku, some players have taken issue with the portrayal of Solid Snake’s buttocks in Fortnite. They argue that the design is not true to the character’s original appearance, which is known for having a well-defined posterior. Many players have expressed their disappointment on social media and gaming forums, criticizing Fortnite for not accurately representing Solid Snake’s iconic features.

Fortnite’s Response

In response to the criticism, Fortnite has acknowledged the concerns raised by players regarding Solid Snake’s buttocks. They have assured players that they are working on a fix to address the issue. Fortnite has a history of updating and improving character models based on player feedback, so it is likely that they will make adjustments to Solid Snake’s design to better reflect the character’s original appearance.

Defending the Design

While some players have been vocal about their disappointment with Solid Snake’s flat buttocks, others have come to the defense of Fortnite’s design choices. They argue that the issue is relatively minor and does not impact the gameplay in any meaningful way. These players believe that the focus should be on the gameplay experience rather than the aesthetics of a character’s posterior.

Love for the Franchise

Despite the controversy surrounding Solid Snake’s buttocks, many Metal Gear Solid fans have expressed their excitement for the character’s inclusion in Fortnite. The Metal Gear franchise is beloved by players around the world, and seeing Solid Snake in a different game is a unique and exciting experience for fans. They appreciate the opportunity to play as one of their favorite characters in a different setting.

Konami’s Silence

Konami, the publisher of the Metal Gear franchise, has remained silent on the controversy surrounding Solid Snake’s buttocks in Fortnite. They have not released an official statement addressing the concerns raised by players. It is unclear whether Konami will intervene and request changes to Solid Snake’s design or if they will leave the decision to Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite.


The controversy surrounding Solid Snake’s flat buttocks in Fortnite highlights the passion and attention to detail that players have for their favorite characters. While some players are disappointed with the design, others are content with the gameplay experience and see the issue as relatively minor. Ultimately, it is up to Fortnite and Konami to decide how they will address the concerns raised by players. As fans eagerly await the resolution, it is clear that Solid Snake’s inclusion in Fortnite has sparked a lively discussion within the gaming community.

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