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The Crew Motorfest Review: Pros, Cons, and Final Verdict

The Crew Motorfest: A Review by Luke Reilly on Xbox Series X

In his review of The Crew Motorfest, Luke Reilly compares the game to other imitations, such as Mega Bloks being compared to LEGO and Mac and Me being compared to E.T. He acknowledges that Motorfest is a solid racing game with a unique style and arcade-like handling. However, he also points out some flaws, including a smaller map that diminishes the game’s original identity and a lack of focus on boats and aircraft. Additionally, he highlights that some of the event Playlists work better than others. In summary, Reilly finds The Crew Motorfest to be a catchy copy but not quite a groundbreaking innovation.

  • The Crew Motorfest is a racing game available on Xbox, PlayStation, Xbox One, and PC.
  • Reilly compares the imitation in The Crew Motorfest to Mega Bloks and Mac and Me.
  • The game has a confident sense of style and a quality arcade handling model.
  • However, the smaller map has caused the game to lose a part of its old identity.
  • Boats and aircraft in the game feel neglected and sidelined.
  • Some of the event Playlists work better than others.
  • The Crew Motorfest is catchy but lacks innovation.


The Crew Motorfest is praised for its sense of style and arcade-like handling, providing a solid racing experience. The game also includes a long list of well-planned events, offering a variety of gameplay options to keep players entertained.


The game’s smaller map is criticized for diminishing the original identity of The Crew series. Boats and aircraft, which were significant elements in previous games, feel neglected in Motorfest. Additionally, some of the event Playlists in the game are not as well-designed as others, leading to uneven gameplay experiences.

Final Verdict: The Crew Motorfest

While The Crew Motorfest is a decent racing game with its own unique style, it falls short in several aspects. The shift to a smaller map has a negative impact on the game’s identity, and the lack of focus on boats and aircraft leaves players wanting more. Despite its catchy copy, the game fails to bring a fresh and innovative experience to the genre. It’s enjoyable, but not groundbreaking.

Overall, Luke Reilly’s review highlights the strengths and weaknesses of The Crew Motorfest. Players who enjoy arcade-style racing games and are looking for a solid experience may find enjoyment in this title. However, the game may disappoint fans of the previous entries in The Crew series who were expecting a larger and more diverse world. While it may serve as a fun diversion, it struggles to leave a lasting impression in a genre that already has numerous strong contenders.

As a content writer, it’s always important to provide an objective evaluation of a game’s features, gameplay, and overall quality. Giving readers an honest breakdown of a game’s pros and cons helps them make informed decisions about their purchase, ensuring that they’re investing their time and money into a game that aligns with their preferences and expectations.

So, the final verdict on The Crew Motorfest? It’s a competent racer with style, but it lacks the wow factor and innovation needed to truly stand out in a crowded market. While it may satisfy casual racing game fans, it ultimately falls short of providing the memorable and groundbreaking experience that gamers crave. For those seeking a truly remarkable racing game, it may be best to look elsewhere.

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