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The Ethics of Using Voice AI Without Consent: Ned Luke Calls Out Unauthorized Use of His Voice


  • Grand Theft Auto voice actor Ned Luke has called out an AI chatbot that used his voice.
  • Luke responded to a post on Twitter from AI company WAME for promoting a chatbot that used his voice without his permission.
  • Luke criticized the chatbot for ripping people off and called it “f**king bulls**t.”
  • WAME has since removed the promotional video featuring Luke’s voice.
  • This incident raises concerns about the ethics of using voice AI technology without consent.

Grand Theft Auto voice actor Ned Luke, who played Michael De Santa in GTA 5, has called out a “f**king bulls**t” AI chatbot that used his voice. Luke responded to a post on Twitter from AI company WAME for promoting a chatbot that used his voice without his permission. He criticized the chatbot for ripping people off and called it “f**king bulls**t.” WAME has since removed the promotional video featuring Luke’s voice. This incident raises concerns about the ethics of using voice AI technology without consent.

Using Voice AI Without Consent

The use of voice AI technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in various industries, including gaming. Voice actors like Ned Luke lend their voices to give life to characters in video games, but the issue arises when their voices are used without their permission or without proper compensation. In this case, Luke was not happy with WAME using his voice for their AI chatbot without his knowledge or consent.

In a tweet, Luke expressed his frustration, stating, “Absolutely nothing cool about ripping people off. If I’m not good enough for you to hire me to do my job, then do not rip me off by using my voice.” He called out WAME for promoting the chatbot and using his voice without permission, labeling it as “f**king bulls**t.”

WAME quickly responded to Luke’s tweet, apologizing and stating that they were not aware of the issue. They promptly removed the promotional video featuring Luke’s voice and expressed their respect for the actor. However, Luke’s criticism highlights a larger problem within the industry – the unauthorized use of voice AI technology.

Ethical Concerns

The incident involving Ned Luke raises ethical concerns about the use of voice AI technology without consent. Voice actors put in countless hours of work to bring characters to life, and their voices become recognizable and iconic. When their voices are used without their permission, it not only diminishes their contribution to the game but also undermines their efforts and talent.

Furthermore, the unauthorized use of voice AI technology raises questions about privacy and ownership. If voice actors do not have control over how their voices are used, it opens up the possibility of their voices being exploited for various purposes without their knowledge or consent. This can lead to financial loss for the actors and a loss of trust in the industry.

In recent years, there have been similar incidents where voice AI technology has been used without permission. In 2020, the voice of Keanu Reeves was used in a deepfake video without his consent, causing controversy and raising concerns about the misuse of AI technology. These incidents highlight the need for stricter regulations and guidelines to protect the rights of voice actors and prevent unauthorized use of their voices.

The Importance of Consent

Consent is a fundamental aspect of any ethical practice, and the use of voice AI technology is no exception. Voice actors should have the right to control how their voices are used and should be compensated appropriately for their work. Companies and developers using voice AI technology need to obtain explicit consent from the voice actors before using their voices.

While AI technology has undoubtedly advanced and offers many benefits, it should not come at the expense of the rights and privacy of individuals. The rapid development of AI technology means that regulations and guidelines must keep pace to ensure ethical practices are followed.

Conclusion: The Ethics of Using Voice AI Without Consent

The incident involving Ned Luke and the unauthorized use of his voice for an AI chatbot raises important ethical concerns. Voice actors deserve the right to control how their voices are used and should be compensated for their work. The industry needs to establish clear guidelines and regulations to prevent the unauthorized use of voice AI technology and protect the rights of voice actors.

As consumers, we should also be aware of these issues and support voice actors in their fight for recognition and fair treatment. It is essential to advocate for the ethical use of AI technology and hold companies accountable for their actions. Only by working together can we ensure that the use of voice AI technology respects the rights and contributions of voice actors like Ned Luke.

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