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The Resilient Rise of Cyberpunk 2077: Fixes, Updates, and Expansions


  • CD Projekt Red has enjoyed a successful comeback with Cyberpunk 2077 after a turbulent launch
  • The game has undergone numerous fixes and updates, including the 1.6 and 2.0 patches
  • An anime series, Edgerunners, has been released, as well as the Phantom Liberty expansion led by Idris Elba
  • Cyberpunk 2077 offers a unique and immersive gaming experience set in a futuristic world
  • The game has faced criticism for its bugs and performance issues on certain platforms
  • Despite these setbacks, Cyberpunk 2077 has become a popular and highly anticipated game


CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 has had a rollercoaster journey since its highly anticipated release. The game faced a turbulent launch, with numerous bugs, glitches, and performance issues plaguing the initial release. However, the developers have worked hard to address these issues, releasing several updates and patches to improve the game’s stability and gameplay experience. Furthermore, CD Projekt Red has expanded the Cyberpunk 2077 universe with an anime series, Edgerunners, and a new expansion led by Idris Elba called Phantom Liberty. These additions have revitalized the franchise and helped Cyberpunk 2077 make a successful comeback.

The Comeback

CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 faced significant backlash upon its release due to the game’s numerous bugs and performance issues. Players experienced frequent crashes, graphical glitches, and other technical problems that detracted from the overall gaming experience. The developers, however, were quick to respond and released a series of updates and patches to address these issues.

One of the most significant updates was the 1.6 patch, which addressed several critical issues and improved the game’s stability. This patch fixed numerous crashes and bugs that caused frustration for players. Additionally, the 1.6 patch introduced new features and gameplay improvements, further enhancing the overall experience of Cyberpunk 2077.

Following the success of the 1.6 patch, CD Projekt Red released the highly anticipated 2.0 patch, which brought even more improvements to the game. This patch focused on optimizing performance, fixing additional bugs, and introducing new content for players to enjoy. The 2.0 patch was met with positive feedback from the gaming community and further solidified Cyberpunk 2077’s comeback.

Anime and Expansion

CD Projekt Red expanded the Cyberpunk 2077 universe with the release of an anime series called Edgerunners. This series explores the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and introduces new characters and storylines. The anime has been well-received by fans of the game, providing them with a new way to immerse themselves in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe.

In addition to the anime series, CD Projekt Red released a new expansion for Cyberpunk 2077 called Phantom Liberty. This expansion is led by Idris Elba, who plays a major role in the game’s storyline. Phantom Liberty introduces new missions, characters, and locations, further expanding the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and providing players with even more content to explore.

The Cyberpunk Experience

Cyberpunk 2077 offers a unique and immersive gaming experience set in a futuristic world. Players assume the role of V, a mercenary in Night City, a sprawling metropolis filled with crime, corruption, and advanced technology. The game combines elements of first-person shooter gameplay with role-playing mechanics, allowing players to customize their character and make choices that impact the game’s narrative.

One of the standout features of Cyberpunk 2077 is its detailed and visually stunning world. Night City is brought to life with impressive graphics and attention to detail, immersing players in a futuristic dystopia. The game also features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique stories and motivations.

Furthermore, Cyberpunk 2077 offers a deep and engaging storyline that tackles complex themes such as identity, technology, and the nature of humanity. The game’s narrative is filled with twists and turns, keeping players engaged and invested in the outcome of their character’s journey.

Criticism and Controversy

Despite its successes, Cyberpunk 2077 has not been without its fair share of criticism and controversy. The game’s initial release was marred by numerous bugs and performance issues, particularly on older generation consoles such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Players reported frequent crashes, low frame rates, and graphical glitches that made the game nearly unplayable.

CD Projekt Red faced criticism for releasing a game that was not fully optimized for all platforms. The developers acknowledged these issues and apologized to players, promising to fix the game and provide refunds to those who were dissatisfied. The release of the 1.6 and 2.0 patches helped address many of these issues, but some players still experienced performance problems, especially on older hardware.

The controversy surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 also extended to the game’s representation and portrayal of certain communities. Some critics argued that the game perpetuated harmful stereotypes and failed to accurately represent diverse groups. CD Projekt Red addressed these concerns and made efforts to improve representation and diversity within the game.


The journey of Cyberpunk 2077 has been a rollercoaster ride for CD Projekt Red. The game’s turbulent launch was met with criticism and disappointment, but the developers worked hard to address these issues and bring the game back to its full potential.

The release of the 1.6 and 2.0 patches, along with the introduction of the Edgerunners anime series and the Phantom Liberty expansion, revitalized the Cyberpunk 2077 franchise and brought it back into the spotlight. Despite its setbacks, Cyberpunk 2077 remains a highly anticipated and popular game.

While the game faced criticism for its bugs and performance issues, CD Projekt Red’s dedication to improving the game and addressing player concerns is commendable. Cyberpunk 2077 offers a unique and immersive gaming experience set in a visually stunning and thematically rich world.

In conclusion, the comeback of Cyberpunk 2077 showcases the resilience and commitment of CD Projekt Red to their vision. The future of the franchise is promising, with potential for even more expansions, updates, and improvements. It is clear that Cyberpunk 2077 has secured its place as one of the most talked-about and influential games of recent years.

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