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Why Starfield Hasn’t Been Optimized for PC: Todd Howard’s Playful Response

• Starfield development chief Todd Howard is asked why Starfield has not been optimized for PC.
• He responds with a witty and fun response.
• Howard explains that optimizing a game for PC is a complex process.
• He acknowledges that the team focuses on console optimization first.
• He jokes that it is a next-gen PC game, implying that it should be able to handle the game even if it’s not optimized.

Starfield development chief Todd Howard had a fun response after an interviewer asked him why Bethesda hadn’t optimized Starfield for PC. The Bloomberg interviewer set up the question by saying they’d asked their viewers for questions for Todd Howard, and a “big question from many” was: “why did you not optimize the code and graphics for Starfield for PC?”

Howard’s immediate response was a playful smile, followed by a chuckle. He seemed to enjoy the opportunity to address the question. He then delved into a detailed explanation of the complexities and challenges involved in optimizing a game for PC.

Howard started by acknowledging that PC optimization is indeed an important aspect of game development. However, he explained that the team’s primary focus is on console optimization during the initial stages of development. This is because consoles have specific hardware configurations that offer a more streamlined optimization process.

He then jokingly remarked that Starfield is, in fact, a “next-gen PC game.” The playful remark implied that even if the game had not been specifically optimized for PC, it should still be able to handle the game’s requirements, given the current capabilities of modern PC hardware.

Howard’s response not only showcased his wit and humor but also provided some insight into the complexities of game development and optimization. While some fans may have wanted a more straightforward answer, Howard’s playful response added a lighthearted touch to the interview. It also highlighted the challenges in catering to multiple platforms and the need for prioritization during the development process.

In conclusion, Todd Howard’s response to the question of why Starfield wasn’t optimized for PC was both engaging and informative. His playful remark about it being a “next-gen PC game” added a touch of humor while acknowledging the challenges of game development and optimization. It also shed light on the prioritization process during the development of multi-platform games. Overall, Howard’s response showcased his ability to navigate tricky questions with a hint of wit and charm, leaving fans excited for the release of Starfield.

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