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A Game of Infinite Possibilities: Starfield’s Object Physics & Ship-Builder

A Game of Infinite Possibilities: Starfield Pushes the Boundaries of Object Physics


– Starfield, the highly anticipated RPG title from Bethesda, offers an incredible level of detail when it comes to object physics.
– One streamer decided to push the limits by planting 50,000 potatoes in a single room, showcasing the game’s intricate mechanics.
– The game also features a ship-builder that allows players to create virtually any type of spacecraft they can imagine.
– Starfield’s impressive attention to detail and expansive gameplay mechanics set it apart as a game with endless possibilities.

The Potato Experiment: Pushing the Limits of Object Physics

– Starfield introduces a new level of object physics that allows for realistic interactions between objects and the environment.
– One streamer, known as “PotatoKing,” decided to put this feature to the test by planting 50,000 potatoes in a small room within the game.
– The potatoes reacted in a realistic manner, colliding and interacting with each other, demonstrating the game’s intricately designed physics system.
– The experiment showcased the game’s attention to detail and the depth of its gameplay mechanics, impressing both players and viewers alike.

A Ship-Builder for the Creative Mind

– Starfield’s ship-building feature allows players to create their own unique spacecraft, offering an unparalleled level of customization.
– The ship-builder provides players with an extensive range of options, allowing them to design ships based on their own preferences and imagination.
– From the size and shape of the ship to the placement of individual components, the possibilities are virtually limitless.
– This feature appeals to players who enjoy creative freedom and the opportunity to create something truly unique within the game world.

Exploring the Universe in Starfield

– Starfield takes place in a vast and immersive universe, giving players the opportunity to explore various planets and cosmic landscapes.
– The game’s setting offers diverse environments, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges.
– Players can delve deep into uncharted territories, discover hidden treasures, and unravel the mysteries of the universe.
– Starfield’s expansive universe provides endless opportunities for exploration, ensuring that players will always have something new and exciting to discover.


Starfield’s attention to detail and innovative gameplay mechanics make it a standout title in the RPG genre. The game’s object physics system, as demonstrated by the potato experiment, showcases the level of realism and immersion that players can expect. The ship-builder feature adds another layer of depth to the game, allowing players to unleash their creativity and customize their own spacecraft. With a vast and diverse universe to explore, Starfield offers endless possibilities and keeps players engaged for hours on end. It truly is a game and community that keeps on giving.

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