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Polish Gamedev Workers Union: A Response to CD Projekt Layoffs

Polish Gamedev Workers Union Formed in Response to Layoffs at CD Projekt

A new Polish game developer union has been formed following a series of layoffs at CD Projekt, the studio behind popular games such as The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. The union, called the Polish Gamedev Workers Union, was founded by two CD Projekt employees, gameplay QA analyst Paweł Myszka and gameplay programmer Lev Ki. Their aim is to represent the interests of all game developers in Poland.

Reason for Formation

The formation of the Polish Gamedev Workers Union comes in response to the three rounds of layoffs that recently took place at CD Projekt. These layoffs led to a significant amount of job insecurity and stress among the employees. Myszka and Ki decided to take action and create a union to help support and protect the rights of game developers in the country.

Representation and Goals

The union aims to represent all game developers in Poland, not just those currently working at CD Projekt. It seeks to address issues such as job security, fair compensation, and better working conditions in the gaming industry. The Polish Gamedev Workers Union also hopes to foster a sense of solidarity and collaboration among game developers in the country.

Benefits of Unionization

Job Security: One of the main goals of the union is to ensure that game developers have more job security. By collectively bargaining for protections against layoffs and outsourcing, the union hopes to create a more stable work environment for its members.

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