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Square Enix’s Foamstars game features AI-generated art

Square Enix’s upcoming game Foamstars will feature AI-generated art

In the highly anticipated multiplayer game Foamstars, developed by Square Enix, some of the in-game art will be generated by artificial intelligence (AI). According to Kosuke Okatani, the producer on Foamstars, the development team used an AI generation tool called Midjourney to create album covers for the game’s soundtracks. However, Okatani clarified that while AI was used for this specific aspect, the core elements of the game, including the gameplay and overall enjoyment factor, were crafted by human designers. This integration of AI technology showcases Square Enix’s experimentation and commitment to incorporating innovative techniques in their games.

Square Enix’s venture into AI integration

Square Enix has been vocal about its intention to embrace AI technology in its game development processes. In a New Year’s Day letter, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu expressed the company’s dedication to using AI in an “aggressive” manner. This statement highlights Square Enix’s eagerness to explore new possibilities and push boundaries in game design. The incorporation of AI-generated art in Foamstars aligns with the company’s forward-thinking approach and serves as a testament to their commitment to innovation.

The role of AI in Foamstars

While AI is utilized for creating album covers in Foamstars, it is essential to note that the core gameplay and crucial aspects of the game are still crafted by human designers. According to Okatani, the AI-generated art serves as an experimental feature in Foamstars. Square Enix acknowledges the potential of AI technology in enhancing the gaming experience but recognizes the importance of human creativity and expertise in delivering a high-quality game.

The advantages of AI-generated art in gaming

The integration of AI-generated art in Foamstars presents several advantages. One of the primary benefits is the ability to create a vast amount of unique and visually stunning content. AI algorithms can produce a wide range of art styles, enabling developers to offer players a diverse and engaging visual experience. Additionally, AI-generated art can save time and resources for game developers. By automating certain aspects of the art creation process, developers can focus their efforts on other critical areas of game development, such as gameplay mechanics and storytelling.

The limitations of AI-generated art

While AI-generated art offers numerous benefits, it also has its limitations. One of the challenges is ensuring that the AI-generated content aligns with the artistic vision of the game designers. AI algorithms may produce art that lacks the unique touch and human creativity that is often desired in game development. Additionally, there is a risk of overreliance on AI-generated art, which may result in a lack of diversity and originality in the game’s visuals. Balancing the use of AI-generated art with human-created content is crucial to maintain the artistic integrity of the game.

Implications for the future of game development

The integration of AI technology in Foamstars signifies a significant milestone in the evolution of game development. As AI continues to advance, it is likely that we will see more games incorporating AI-generated content in various forms. This trend opens up new possibilities for game designers and offers exciting opportunities for innovation in the industry. However, it is essential for developers to strike a balance between AI-generated content and human creativity to ensure that games remain captivating and immersive.


Foamstars, Square Enix’s upcoming multiplayer game, showcases the company’s experimentation with AI-generated art. While the majority of the game is still crafted by human designers, the integration of AI technology for creating album covers demonstrates Square Enix’s commitment to innovation. By incorporating AI-generated content, game developers can offer players a visually diverse and engaging experience while saving time and resources. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between AI-generated and human-created content to maintain the artistic integrity of the game. The integration of AI technology in Foamstars paves the way for future advancements in game development and sets a precedent for the industry’s exploration of AI’s potential.

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