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unity acknowledges confusion and frustration among developers but wont walk back install fee plan

Unity Faces Backlash from Game Developers Over Install Fees: What You Need to Know

Unity Defends Install Fees Despite Backlash from Game Developers

Unity, the popular platform holder for game development, is facing significant backlash from game developers over its planned install fees. However, Unity is standing firm, claiming that the change will only affect a small percentage of its customers, while the majority will not be affected at all.

Confusion and Frustration

Game developers have expressed their frustration and confusion over Unity’s proposed runtime fees. These fees would require developers to pay a certain amount based on the number of game installations, potentially adding significant costs to their projects. Many developers argue that this change will disproportionately affect smaller studios and independent developers who may struggle to afford the fees.

In response to the backlash, Unity has acknowledged the confusion and frustration, stating that they understand the concerns of their customers. However, they argue that the impact of the change will be minimal for the majority of developers.

Only 10% Affected

Unity claims that around 90% of their customers will not be affected by the new install fees. They state that the fees will only apply to developers whose games have a large number of installations or activations. Unity argues that the vast majority of their customers fall into the category of hobbyists, educators, and small developers who are unlikely to reach the threshold where they would need to pay the install fees.

According to Unity, the install fees are necessary to support ongoing maintenance and improvement of their services. This includes providing technical support, updating the platform, and investing in new features and functionalities. They argue that by implementing these fees, they can ensure the continued availability and quality of Unity as a game development platform.

Developer Concerns

Despite Unity’s explanation, many game developers remain concerned about the potential financial burden the install fees could impose. Some developers rely on Unity to create their games and may not have the resources to pay for each installation. The fear is that this change could discourage developers from using Unity and push them towards alternative game development platforms.

Developers have also raised concerns about the lack of transparency regarding the specific details of the fees. They argue that Unity needs to provide more information on how the fees will be calculated and what thresholds will trigger the charges. Without this information, developers are left unsure about the potential costs they may face, making it difficult to plan their budgets and financial projections.

Unity’s Response

Unity has stated that they are actively listening to the feedback and concerns of their developers and are committed to addressing them. They claim that they are working on providing more transparency regarding the install fees, including sharing more information on how the fees will be calculated and what factors will determine if a developer is subject to the fees.

Unity has also reassured developers that they will continue to offer free access to their platform, allowing developers to create and test their games without incurring any fees. They highlight that the install fees will only apply to games that have reached a certain level of success and have a significant number of installations.


While Unity is facing a significant backlash from game developers over its proposed install fees, the platform holder defends its decision and argues that the change will only impact 10% of its customers. Unity claims that the fees are necessary to support ongoing maintenance and improvement of their services. However, many developers remain concerned about the potential financial burden and lack of transparency surrounding the fees. As the discussion continues, it will be interesting to see how Unity addresses the concerns of its customers and whether any changes or compromises will be made.

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